07 March 2022

How To Find Suitable Keywords For SEO?

Not many people know the first and foremost component of any SEO plan is keyword research. Before rolling out the material for your page, you must first discover appropriate high-volume search phrases. These phrases are called keywords for SEO, and they influence the course of your material, ensuring that it is pertinent and easily accessible.

You will be losing many potential customers if you do not understand how to employ keywords for search engine optimisation. Pouring through data, figures and comparing lists of keywords is a tedious yet critical process. Therefore finding the right set of keywords for SEO must be known to every marketer.

In this blog, we have provided a detailed strategic plan which will assist you in finding and optimising content with keywords. So, try to focus on the points below, and all your doubts will be cleared;

List down related keywords:

The first step is to compile a massive list of keywords. You don't need to be concerned about competitiveness, Cost Per Click, or anything else right now. The objective must be to list out brand-specific keywords by breaking it down into smaller subject categories based on the goals you want to attain.

For example, if you are a footwear brand that specialises in shoes and slippers, some related themes to your business may be:

  • Sliders for men/women
  • Sport Shoes
  • Bathroom Slippers

They must be on aspects that are relevant to your company and associated with your target customers. Consider what subjects your target audience will look for on Google. These subject categories can then be further subdivided into keywords relating to those themes.

Preferring Long-tail Keywords:

It's great to work with phrases that receive 50,000 or even 5,000 searches per month, but factually speaking, these prominent keywords account for just a tiny portion of total web searches. Keywords with very high search volumes may even imply unclear purposes. Therefore, if you approach these keywords, they may put you in danger of attracting users out of your target market.

Don't dismiss these less common keywords because they produce low volume results. In fact, users are more detailed and purposeful in their queries with these long-tail keywords. This lower search volume can be later converted as per the users’ preference. For instance; a user looking for ‘cell phones’ might be surfing, on the other hand, someone searching for ‘best affordable cell phones’ is more inclined to purchase!

Keep an eye on competitors keywords:

You are most likely to collect a large number of keywords. But, how do you know which one to start with?
Prioritising high-volume keywords that your rivals aren't ranking for might be a smart idea. On the contrary, you might as well find keywords that are not on your list and see which keywords and prioritise them. The former is ideal for capitalising on your competitors' lost chances, whilst the latter is an aggressive approach that positions you to fight for keywords that can help you rank higher.


Finding the appropriate SEO keywords will help bridge the gap between your website and consumers. Hence, having quality content that is worth reading and high positioning is the top priority when it comes to ranking your pages in the search results. So, don't forget to use Google Search Console to track the results of your keyword optimisation and, if required, alter your keywords as per your audience.

Check out Think First Digital’s website if you require an SEO process. Our dedicated team of SEO experts cover keyword research, keyword optimisation, Competitor keyword analysis, SEO rankings and all the other aspects of a holistic approach to SEO.